Friday, December 18, 2009

Case of Dog Shot in Vermont Sparks Movement to Legally Recognize Bond Between People and Pets

Check this out...  Thank goodness for other dog lovers who refuse to be victimized by neglectful people!,2933,235240,00.html

(All credit given to Fox News for this report and the headline)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rescue Organizations - very cool!

I have come across a couple of really noteworthy organizations in the Denver area. They are fully vested in taking care of animals, and a true inspiration to those who love their animals and want to help those who don't have "forever homes" <-- what a GREAT idea!!!! Rehabilitate animals instead of euthanizing them! <-- only two of the best breeds.

On a side note, I am in love with Charlie, the Pom puppy, and Midnight, the black Pom ( They're just the cutest breed, aren't they?
I cry almost every time I look at these little guys, and Rowdy just breaks my heart. He reminds me of an older Bailey (if he had been allowed the chance to live to an old and spoiled age...)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Three months and still painful...

It's been three months since my little boy died.  I still cry almost every day, often for hours at a time. I have received so many emails from people who are outraged and cannot believe that this facility is still in business. I cannot believe it either!!! 
I recently read a post by someone who said that everyone who is outraged by this (besides me, being his owner) are "morons". This person went another step further to claim how she ever-so-proudly chose to take her dog to Camp Diggity Dog even AFTER reading about Bailey's torture. I wonder how much the owner paid off this person to post that load of garbage... and the five stars that went along with it. Seriously? I threw up when I read this....
Talk about moron. With all the credible places who actually GIVE A DAMN about animal welfare in San Diego, someone made a decision to patronize this disgusting facility who let an animal die in their care??? Who left their 'clients' alone for 14-16 hours????? Wow!!!!!! Some people surely do not care about their pets and should not be allowed to own them!
I wish I could put more information on here about what CDD offered us to settle this case. It LITERALLY made me throw up... it was a slap in the face!! Penny pinching fools.
I am still working on forming a non-profit to push these shady and incompetent businesses out of the market place. If you are interested in helping out, please shoot me an email. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good News for Shelter Dogs,188591

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bark Heard around San Diego

Please tune into the local news tonight. All stations (minus KUSI 9) spoke to Ryan and myself today about the loss of Bailey and the tragic and neglectful circumstances surrounding his untimely death.
THANK you to everyone is supporting myself and Ryan through this living hell. We are doing this to ensure that no one else will ever have to endure this suffering, caused clearly by negligence and oversight.
We love you, Bailey.

UPDATE: Please tune in:

News Station        Times
10News                5:00pm and 11:00pm
KNSDHD            4:00pm to 7:00pm and 11:00pm
CW Channel 6    10:00pm, 11:00pm, and 5:00am to 9:00am
Fox 5                10:0pm and 5:00am to 7:00am

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Please Help Bailey be Heard on Yelp!!!!

Please help!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Utter Disgust... What happened to free speech and public empowerment?

I just found out from a disgusted friend that Camp Diggity Dog *where Bailey was mauled by another dog* apparently got my review REMOVED from their site.
Nothing in that 'review' was untrue, except for the "one star" rating I was forced to give.
I received Bailey's autopsy today, and the results are purely terrifying... again, contradictory to what the owner told us.... and proves that Bailey was neglected. and our contract for care was violated.
I cannot believe that Yelp would remove such a VITAL AND IMPORTANT post from their site! People who look at any social network sites do so to become informed consumers, and they do so to avoid being jaded.
What if another dog perished here in the past, they posted to Yelp and their post was removed??
Q: What if I could have read that particular post and taken my dog elsewhere?
A: Bailey would still be here; our family would be intact. My heart would be whole. That's what.

This just proves that there is so much distrust and grossness in this world. The First Ammendment is here to allow everyone who has a voice to SPEAK UP and tell others what happened to them.
If I am not allowed to talk about my dog being killed by oversight by a person, why can people rage public outcries against Michael Vick? IT'S THE SAME THING!!!!!!! 

Unfortunately, certain people seem to believe that animals should not have a voice and try to silence their owners. This is simply dispicable and cannot be allowed!
Bailey, my baby, you did not die in vain - your bark WILL be heard!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dogs= Unconditional Love

This video made me laugh for the first time in days. And who says Pitbulls are vicious?