Friday, November 20, 2009

Three months and still painful...

It's been three months since my little boy died.  I still cry almost every day, often for hours at a time. I have received so many emails from people who are outraged and cannot believe that this facility is still in business. I cannot believe it either!!! 
I recently read a post by someone who said that everyone who is outraged by this (besides me, being his owner) are "morons". This person went another step further to claim how she ever-so-proudly chose to take her dog to Camp Diggity Dog even AFTER reading about Bailey's torture. I wonder how much the owner paid off this person to post that load of garbage... and the five stars that went along with it. Seriously? I threw up when I read this....
Talk about moron. With all the credible places who actually GIVE A DAMN about animal welfare in San Diego, someone made a decision to patronize this disgusting facility who let an animal die in their care??? Who left their 'clients' alone for 14-16 hours????? Wow!!!!!! Some people surely do not care about their pets and should not be allowed to own them!
I wish I could put more information on here about what CDD offered us to settle this case. It LITERALLY made me throw up... it was a slap in the face!! Penny pinching fools.
I am still working on forming a non-profit to push these shady and incompetent businesses out of the market place. If you are interested in helping out, please shoot me an email. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine the devastation, to come home, only to find your furr-baby had be subjected to such incompetence and lack of remorse. Unforgivable!!! I am looking for a boarding facility here in San Diego, to leave my Great Dane and Maltese for a week. I am considering Bark Bouldevard in El Cajon. Does anyone have any input about this place?
